Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mysql windows (xampp) case sensitive tables

Open file C:/xampp/mysql/bin/my.cnf and under [mysqld] add

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Evince papersize

Add the a line with
Evince will use A4 as default paper format after your next login.

What is en_HR?

en_HR is locale meant to be used by computer users whose native language is Croatian, but who are primarily used to US English based interface. Therefore en_HR features US English messages, and US style of writing numbers. US numeric style is chosen because of the decimal separator - in US style the decimal separator is `.', which is commonly used in mathematics and by SI, while Croatian decimal separator is `,'. If you would rather use Croatian numeric style, then use en_HR@hrnum instead of en_HR. Collate, ctype, monetary, paper, telephone, measurement, name and adress settings are the same ones from hr_HR locale. Date and time format conforms to ISO 8601 standard.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ssh tunel from linux

ssh -L 8080: -p 22

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to see if your tunnel is working.

ssh -L localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server -N

-L - port forwarding parameters (see below)
localport - local port (chose a port that is not in use by other service)
host - server that has the port (hostport) that you want to forward
hostport - remote port
-N - do not execute a remote command, (you will not have the shell, see below)
user - user that have ssh access to the ssh server (computer)
ssh_server - the ssh server that will be used for forwarding/tunneling

Without the -N option you will have not only the forwardig port but also the remote
shell. Try with and without it to see the difference.

1. Privileged ports (localport lower then 1024) can only be forwarded by root.
2. In the ssh line you can use multiple -L like in the example...
3. Of course, you must have ssh user access on secure_computer and moreover
the secure computer must have access to host:hostport
4. Some ssh servers do not allow port forwarding (tunneling). See the sshd man
pages for more about port forwarding (the AllowTcpForwarding keyword is set to
NO in sshd_config file, by default is set to YES)...


ssh -L user@computer -N
ssh -L -L \ user@computer -N

The second example (see above) show you how to setup your ssh tunnel for web, pop3
and smtp. It is useful to recive/send your e-mails when you don't have direct access
to the mail server.

For the ASCII art and lynx browser fans here is illustrated the first example:

+----------+<--port 22-->+----------+<--port 80-->o-----------+
|SSH Client|-------------|ssh_server|-------------| host |
+----------+ +----------+ o-----------+
localhost:8888 computer

...And finally:
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8888 to see if your tunnel is working.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

linux adduser bash batch script


NEW_USERS="/path/to/file.txt" #space separated user password group

cat ${NEW_USERS} | \
while read USER password GROUP
pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $password)
useradd -g ${GROUP} -p ${pass} -m -d ${HOME_BASE}${USER} ${USER}

Monday, September 22, 2008

sshfs mount

sudo mkdir /mount/remote
sudo modprobe fuse
sshfs asdf@ /mount/remote/

Friday, September 5, 2008

ltsp - xserver configuration

first in /etc/ltsp/dhcp.conf add/change this line: option root-path "/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386";
dhcp example:

subnet netmask {
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
# next-server;
# get-lease-hostnames true;
option subnet-mask;
# option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";
option root-path "/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386";
if substring( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "PXEClient" {
filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";
} else {
filename "/ltsp/i386/nbi.img";

Then edit your /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf file.

# LDM_USERNAME=ucenik01
X_MODE_0 = 1280x1024
X_MODE_1 = 1024x768
X_MODE_2 = 800x600

Sunday, July 20, 2008


mpg123 -C -k 64

Play single mp3
mpg321 MP3_FILE_NAME

Create a list of all MP3 Files in the current folder…
find . -name "*.mp3"|sed 's/\.\///;'|sort>List.lst

Use this list as the play list for mpg321
mpg123 --list List.lst

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How to turn on automatic logon in Windows XP

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type control userpasswords2, and then click OK.

Note When users try to display help information in the User Accounts window in Windows XP Home Edition, the help information is not displayed. Additionally, users receive the following error message:
Cannot find the Drive:\Windows\System32\users.hlp Help file. Check to see that the file exists on your hard disk drive. If it does not exist, you must reinstall it.
3. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check box, and then click Apply.
4. In the Automatically Log On window, type the password in the Password box, and then retype the password in the Confirm Password box.
5. Click OK to close the Automatically Log On window, and then click OK to close the User Accounts window.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

This will shutdown your box 1 minute after the file download completes:

sudo -s; wget; shutdown -h +1


sudo shutdown -c

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

usb privelages

Give the user permission to load drivers, you can access this going to the
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local
Policies > User Rights Assignment > Load and Unload Device Drivers.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Nije znanje, znanje znati. Vec je znanje, znanje dati.

Friday, April 18, 2008

du command

du -hs
du --max-depth=1 /home/ | sort -n -r
du -H --max-depth=1 /home/user

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Nsiam vrjevoao da zpavrao mgou rzmajueti šot čtaim. Zaavljhuujći
nobniečoj mćoi ljdksuog mgzoa, pemra irtažsiavnjima nučainka, njie
vžano kjoim su roedsljdoem npiasnaa slvoa u ričjei, jdieno je važno da
se pvro i psljdeonje sovlo nlaaze na sovm mstjeu.

Otasla solva mgou btii u ptponuom nerdeu i bez ozibra na ovu oloknost,
tkest mžeote čtiati bez pobrelma. Ovo je zobg tgoa sto ljduksi mzoak
ne čtia savko slvoo poebsno, već rčeiji poramrta kao clejniu. Oavj
preomećaj je šljiavo nzavan "tipoglikemija".

Kome su još vaanži grmaaitka i prapvois?


Statistika slova za Boogle
11 - A
9 - E, I
8 - O
6 - N
5 - S
4 - J, M, R, T, U
3 - D, K, V
2 - G, L, P
1 - B, C, Ć, Č, Đ, DŽ, F ,H, LJ, NJ, Š, Z, Ž


poe drop poe0
ip ifconfig wanif1

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Boja desktopa

Boja desktopa windows 2008 #175C7A