Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Renews the IP address.
dhclient eth0

Assign eth0 with the above values for IP, netmask and broadcast address.
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rearrange table columns order

MODIFY [column] column_definition [FIRST ¦ AFTER col_name]
ALTER TABLE tableName MODIFY COLUMN originalColName int(4) AFTER destinationColName

Sunday, July 5, 2009

linux folder size

ls -skh folderlist folder sizes
du -skh * |sort -n -r list folder sizes
du -sh folder folder size

sshfs remote mount

sudo chmod og-rwx localFolder/
sudo sshfs user@remoteHost:remoteFolder/ localFolder/ -o allow_other

scp remote copy with port select

scp -P 22 sourceFile user@remoteHost:folder

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Excel export chart to jpg png


Requires code. Syntax: Activechart.Export ,

You can use this in the immediate window,(ALT+F11 CTRL+G)

Activechart.export "C:\mychart.jpg"